Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The Jamaican Survey

This shows us that people think Jamaican English is a special language like German and British English. But i'm surprised that people don't want others to learn this language like Japanese or Chinese.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


what I have learned is that Jamaican english is like the original english but a lot of the words are cut up and put in for other words. Jamaican english originated from British and now a lot of the words is now english from the United States. Like one person which is Bob Marley which was a Jamaican. He spoke the raw language of Jamaican. file:///private/Network/Servers/

Interpreting of Data

This show what these people think about the Jamaican language. They think the language is a good language and it should be used in everyday life.file:///private/Network/Servers/

Thursday, October 9, 2008


wikipedia on Jamaica's heritage and language. Most of the information came from wikipedia.
I used the the Jamaican flag for my blog.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

My summary

Jamaican has several languages like the english version and the patois version.
My family speaks the patois version. When they talk they mix up their words.
Like when they say go it means gawon. Jamaica belongs to United Kingdom.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Research Questions

1. How is the topic related to english?
2. Where did this language come from?
3. What is the heritage of this topic?
4. How is this topic used?
5. Is their a type of writing for this language? 

Monday, October 6, 2008

My research goals

I want yo know how my language came up and where it came from. In Jamaica there are many
different languages but i want to know what is the main language. I want to know who rules Jamaica.

My language Belief

I belief that speaking proper is important because when you go for a interview you don't want to
speak like how you speak when you are around your friends cause you won't get the job.
You want to speak proper so you will get the job and be able to get places. When I speak
jamaican with my cousins i can't speak it around others because they won't understand a word i'm